Strategies for Success with BME – Batch (Process Manufacturing) Master Software ERP

By Dan Jeppson — Since you’re reading this article (unless you’re an AI bot), you have interest in BME – Batch (Process Manufacturing) Master Software and are likely a long-time user. (If you’re a new user, then welcome!) BME – Batch (Process Manufacturing) Master Software has some exceptional capabilities, but often its greatest strengths (the […]

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Strategies for Success with Sage 500 ERP

By Dan Jeppson — Since you’re reading this article (unless you’re an AI bot), you have interest in Sage 500 (likely lovingly calling it “MAS 500” out of habit) and are most likely a long-time user. You’ve probably heard the rumors about sunsetting, and you’re pretty comfortable staying where you’re at—kind of… Hopefully you’re looking […]

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Bridging The Gaps Between Logistics and Finance

By Dan Jeppson — How ERP Bridges The Gap Between Logistics And Finance This article highlights a few key points that (when understood) can help a company create traction in its business operating systems and begin to leverage their collected data to make better business decisions. Finance, operations, sales, and other functional business areas work […]

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Ransomware: Have A Backup Plan

By Porter Jeppson — I’ve seen too many stories about ransomware recently. Ransomware has been around for a while, it isn’t a new phenomenon. However, it seems that not enough companies have properly prepared for a ransomware attack. Ransomware is a highly malicious form of malware that encrypts your files to be unusable, unless you […]

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Commercial Drones – Construction

By Dan Jeppson — Why Construction Job Sites Need Drones to Stay Competitive in the 2020’s The popularity and use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS—more commonly known as drones) on job sites is growing because drones are proven valuable tools for planning and executing successful projects. In the modern commerce environment, remote tools have become […]

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Advantages and Setbacks of Drones in the Commercial Space

By Duncan Jeppson — Using drones in a business gives a company an advantage over their competitors. Drones provide advantages such as safer, faster, and more efficient inspections, monitoring, maintenance and inventory management. Construction companies can use drones to provide aerial photography and/or videography of a construction site or building to have a completely different […]

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Commercial Drone Use

By Dan Jeppson — Facilities Maintenance is a challenge for many organizations, and roof inspections, repair, and construction can be tricky and dangerous. Modern drones combined with cutting-edge software and video capture technology allow for safe, efficient, and cost-effective inspection, monitoring, and maintenance of anything from the air. Please contact us for assistance, training, or […]

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2020 Vision: The New Normal for Business

By Dan Jeppson — In the modern age of political, social, and environmental chaos, 2020 has emerged as a pivotal point for every world citizen. While personal circumstances are changing dramatically for some, others seem to be immune to effects and even seem to thrive during times of uncertainty and change. Some of this is […]

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