Disaster preparedness is important, both at home and in business. Whether it be security breach, natural disaster, user error, or some other system-failure inducing event, being prepared can prevent an irrecoverable loss. While there isn’t one solution that could cover all bases as an impenetrable barrier to all disasters. Fortunately, there are some solutions that can benefit businesses from all industries that provide benefit beyond disaster recovery. One of those things is Cloud software.

There are many different benefits that you could gain from having cloud software, specifically a Cloud ERP. One article by Ashley Hindsman provides some great points on how cloud systems could help you get back on your feet quicker. Some of those points are:

  • Recovery time
  • Set-up and recovery costs
  • Location-less system
  • Cyber-threat security

She goes into depth on these (and other) points. It isn’t a long read, but you could gather some great ideas for protecting your business. It is well worth the time to make sure you aren’t missing out. Head over to the article to give it a read. If you need help finding a cloud solution, send us an email, we’d love to find the right fit for you.